SAN FRANCISCO, June 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Healthcare can be a significant financial burden on many individuals and families, even with insurance. The costs associated with one of the more common health issues in the US, the diagnosis and treatment of adult ADHD, can spill over into many aspects of life especially if untreated, further exacerbating these costs.
But the recently updated ADHD diagnosis and treatment pricing plan from Done seeks to both alleviate this financial burden and make treatment more accessible.
Calculating average costs of treating adult ADHD is complicated and often lacking in up-to-date reliable studies. But a historic body of literature and reporting shows that ADHD places a substantial economic burden on individuals, families, and third parties.
Prices vary by state, age group, insurance plan, and the type of diagnosis and treatment for ADHD. While treatment for children and adultescents with ADHD tend to be higher than for adults, the associated costs of adult ADHD are significantly higher. One report put the cost of treatment for adult ADHD at as high as $14,000. Other reports showed higher annual medical costs by several thousand dollars among adults with ADHD than those without the disorder.
Further costs associated with ADHD include accidents, loss of work, and often higher rates of criminality. Other results of untreated ADHD can result in further costs from things not normally considered such as impulsive spending, late-payment fees, even low credit scores.
"ADHD can unfortunately be an expensive disorder for many people to be carrying, and seeking treatment can also be cost prohibitive and complicated," notes Joanne Dai, Group Leader from the Done General Management Office. "That's why Done has made its treatment pricing plan as simple and affordable as possible."
Patients seeking diagnosis and treatment from Done now have to only pay an upfront fee $199 for diagnosis and an additional $79 a month for treatment. Further adding to these savings is the fact that most of these treatments can be completed online with easy scheduling, no need to book appointments months in advance, and no associated travel costs. And an increasing number of insurance plans are now accepted by Done, providing even more savings for patients. And an increasing number of insurance plans are now accepted by Done, providing even more savings for patients.
An estimated 8 million Americans are thought to be suffering from ADHD, and 75% of adults who actually have ADHD don't even know they have it. "We think it's clear that the costs, complexities, and stigma associated with ADHD treatment are a major hinderance to more people getting the help they need," continued Joanne Dai. "We see these numbers as really unacceptable, and the fundamental goal of Done is to make ADHD treatment more accessible and affordable."
For full pricing and treatment information, visit https://www.donefirst.com/#pricing
Media Contact
Cecilia Qian
